While I did not preach at Saint Mark on this particular Sunday, the contrast Luke offers between two sinners was very profound to me while reflecting upon this Gospel during the week. Two sinners are presented not just the sinful woman, but the sinful Pharisee who sinned not by what he did, but by what he failed to do. As Luke proceeds with the story, only one is forgiven; the one whose love is great. No mention of forgiveness for this Pharisee who has slighted his guest by failing to observe the most common of courtesies. He almost seems to sit in judgement over a sinner who loves while excusing himself. Meanwhile, he does nothing. He neither apologizes nor shows any sign of love. He simply does nothing in the presence of guest who has not been cared for. Plenty to think about here, and more than enough to move us all to greater acts of love and repentance for the times we have both sat in judgement and done nothing in face of something wrong.